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Adopt-An-Angel Program

It is getting to be the time of year when we begin to think about the holidays. The Parent Child Center of Tulsa would like to invite you to participate in our Adopt-An-Angel Program. In 2009, we assisted almost 5,000 children and parents in treatment services, and provided education, crisis support, and referral to over 21,000 children and parents through our prevention programs.

In the current economic climate, many of our clients are in desperate need of the very basics. So instead of adopting a particular child and buying them gifts, we are asking you to purchase gift cards to donate to The Parent Child Center. Gift cards from places like Wal-Mart and Target would allow our family support workers to purchase specific items needed by the children and parents they see each week.

With the rising cost of food, gas and utilities, it is becoming harder and harder for our families to make ends meet. Blankets, warm coats, shoes and diapers are some of the things our clients need right now. Your generous donation of Wal-Mart or Target gift cards would allow us to help these little ones have a brighter holiday, and meet more of their basic needs this winter.

If you have a group you may wish to pool your resources and consider purchasing one larger gift card that will allow us to help many families. If it is easier for you, consider sending your pooled donation and we could purchase the gift cards for you.

We would be very appreciative of your support of The Parent Child Center and want you to know that those we serve need you more than ever this year.

For further information, or if you have any questions, please contact Nancy Moore at 699-0528.

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