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  • Bullying
  • Abuse
  • Feelings
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Divorce
  • All
  • Bullying
  • Abuse
  • Feelings
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Divorce

Caught in The Middle

Although the divorce rate has decreased steadily in Oklahoma since the 90s, divorce has become the norm in this country and that’s ok. It’s important …

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Taking Back Control

The secret sauce to conflict resolution is keeping your cool. That doesn’t mean hide your emotions but try to change your outlook. If someone is …

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Feelings are Important

Feelings are important when it comes to bullying.

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Rescue or Report

In Rescue or Report, we learn how to safely intervene in a bullying situation. We can rescue someone who needs help and we can report bullying to a trusted adult. This show is intended for children ages 7+

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You’re Not the Boss of Me

In this show, we find that Eddy has been getting bullied at school. We learn how bullying behaviors can affect peer relationships – such as Eddy’s initial interaction with his friend Clare – and we learn that bullying isn’t just a kid problem but a whole community problem to work on together. This show is intended for children ages 8+

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Sticks & Stones

In this show, we learn that name-calling can lead to hurt feelings. We also learn how we can use our words to stand up for ourselves and ask someone to stop calling mean names. This show is intended for children ages 4 to 6.

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